Our Account Verification Service

We are proud to have partnered with TrueLayer. We use bank-sourced identity data through open banking to verify a user’s name, address and date of birth to speed up KYC-compliant onboarding. There are manual forms to fill out, no document scanning and no waiting days for verification checks.

This service works by pulling bank account data (sort code and account number) through open banking, and reverse matching it with identity data (name, address and DOB) from our data partners. This allows us to securely authenticate users and instantly make an initial deposit in real-time.

Example user flow:
  • The user begins the account creation process by clicking "Yes - Continue"
  • User selects their bank
  • Our data partner queries the connection to retrieve user account number and sort code
  • Our data partner reverse matches the bank-sourced data to their identity data
  • Our data partner returns the identity data to us for verification check(s) to be performed
  • We double check the details against those entered during the checkout process


What data do we get back from our data partners? 

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth (DOB)